Monday, February 10, 2014

The Imperfect Bod

Now, I know what you all are thinking, "This crazy chick thinks an imperfect body is a gift!?"

Just bare with me.

Recently, I have been seeing a trending phenomenon with new moms on social media. They produce this BEAUTIFUL perfect creation and immediately begin posting 'selfies' standing in front of mirrors commenting about how skinny they are or wish to be soon. They seek congratulations, not on this miracle that they have produced but, on the body that they have managed to keep intact by our world's standards. They want the world to know their post baby bod is a thing of the past and their pre-baby bod is back in action.

Now, I do not claim to hope to maintain these super sexy love handles and extra tummy skin forever. However, I do think there is something pretty magical in the reminder that they provide.

I created a human life.

I had a real human grow inside me. I provided his nourishment. His protection. His home. I did that.

My body did that.

When I look in the mirror do I think "where is the Victoria's Secret talent scout when you need them?" No. But I do think "thank you God. Thank you for making me such a unique being. Thank you for making me woman so that I could bring forth life into this world. What a gift you have given me."

Can you imagine Adam's reaction to Eve when she gave him his first child? Do you think the thought ever came to mind, "I wish she was thin and narrow again. I wish her chest were flatter. I wish her face was less round" ?
Our world, our sinful and confused world has put those thoughts in our minds. The beauty of a woman who has brought life into the world is overwhelming and nothing short of breathtaking.

My body isn't perfect by our world's standards but it is perfect by my sons. My new large chest is just right for snuggling when he is tired. My belly is soft and perfect for him to curl up on top of. My larger hips can sway him to sleep for days.

There are women out there that WISH for those love handles. They LONG for those stretch marks. They PRAY for those hips that will never be the same.

So, I consider my imperfect bod to be a constant reminder that I have been blessed beyond measure.

 I made this guy! For that, I'm proud of these imperfections.


  1. Amen amen amen amen amen. Perfectly stated

  2. So beautiful said. I agree. We cannot take for granted the ability to bring a new life into this world!! What a beautiful reminder.
