Monday, February 10, 2014

2 Months with The Sugar

Wow. Has it really been 2 months? What in the world have I been doing for 2 flipping months???
Oh yeah, learning how to be a mom. Clearly, I'm not what you would call a 'quick learner'.
Some of you may be saying, "where are the 1 month pictures?"
Well, they got lost in the newborn fog. I have just gotten my life together enough to use a camera other than the one attached to my phone.
Never the less, we have a 2 month old sweet little sugar.
I cannot believe it. I look back at pictures from the day I met him for the first time and wonder how it can be possible that he has been on this earth for two whole months. It makes me sad to see him grow up but it is so sweet to see him come alive.
The sugar is 12.4 pounds
He is wearing 3-6 month clothes
He loves:
-snuggling with mommy in the bed
-'talking' to daddy
-his NUK paci
-wrapping his arm around mommy's neck and playing with her hair
-being sung to (Before the Throne and Jesus Be the Center are his favorites)
-sleeping on his belly (for naps only)
-his swing
-his play-yard mat
- when its time to eat (he is eating 5-6 oz. every three hours)
- showing off his new trick of smiling
-bath time
-having his head rubbed
-kicking his 'frog legs'
-watching fans
-when people laugh

My sweet boy, you are our biggest blessing. You have taught us so much in the past two months and made us so thankful for you everyday. We are loving seeing your personality come alive right before our eyes. You are the cutest thing in the whole wide world. Everyone says so. We love you so much and cannot believe that God gave us the privilege of getting to be your parents. You are such an amazing gift. We cannot wait to see what God has planned for you.

A few weeks ago I came across a blog that had a prayer on it from a mother to her baby boy that just so happens to have been born on the very same day that you were. Since then I have been repeating this same prayer for you every morning as I rock and feed you when you wake up.

My precious son, I pray there’s not a day you can remember not knowing Jesus.
That you understand your need for a Savior at an early age, and
experience the freedom that comes from giving your life to Him.
 I pray that praise would be in your heart and on your lips continually.
I pray that you would know who you are in light of the Gospel.
That you would have a Christ-centered confidence and Christ-centered worth.
I pray that you would hate sin and love holiness. That you would know the power of the blood.
 I pray that you would develop relationships based on the drawing of the Holy Spirit.
That you would love the word of God and that you would seek to understand it, hide it in your heart, and base your life on it.
I pray that you will love others well. That you would have a servants heart
and a desire for your life to be used for something greater than yourself.
Sugar, you are a child of the King. A beloved son of God.
All of these things I pray in His holy name

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