Thursday, February 27, 2014


Suds are a gift that may seem a little strange but to a clean freak like myself they are MAGICAL.

I LOVE a clean house. I live for fresh vacuum lines, an empty clothes hamper, and the smell of Pledge dusting spray. Yep. I'm a freak.

However, there is NOTHING that compares to a fresh clean baby. The smell of baby wash on their little pudgy arms. The freshly combed hair. The snuggly clean clothes. YUM!

 My new favorite time with the little sugar is bath time even though it makes a giant mess and sometimes I get peed on. I just love watching him kick in the water and coo as I pour water over his head.

As I think about bath time and how much it brings joy to my heart I can't help but draw a parallel to my Christianity.

Jesus' blood washed away my sins. My gross, disgusting, yucky sins.

In essence he put my spit up, poop and pee, milk covered, self in the bath and poured water over me. He got down into every one of my crevices where my nastiest dirtiest sin was and scrubbed it clean just as I do with Little Sugar as a scrub in between all of his little rolls where gross things get stuck.

The labor of that sacrifice for Jesus was not fun (to say the least). But the reward of loving on a forgiven believer that is so thankful for his sacrifice was worth it. Just like the reward of snuggling a freshly washed baby is worth the time and mess that bath time can be to me.

What is so amazing to me is that, just like babies, everyday we get messy again. Covered in sin just as babies are covered in spit up, poopy and pee, milk, and boogers. Jesus offers to wash us clean. It is worth it to him just to have a relationship with him.

That's incredible.

It makes me thankful for suds. Suds remind me of my salvation.

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