Wednesday, July 9, 2014

My Mr.

Every year Hallmark celebrates the holidays that are known as 'Mother's Day' and 'Father's Day'. On these days one should be EXTRA thankful for their mom and dad.
I have always thought these hallmark holidays were simply to make me a crazy stressed out person trying to make sure that we have all the gifts and the cards and the flowers and no one gets their feelings hurt and planning dinners and lunches and breakfasts... I mean, it goes on, and on, and on. Its too much. I usually do not handle it gracefully.

This year was interesting celebrating this day as parents. Real parents.
I have a whole new appreciation for mothers and fathers. My eyes have been opened to what a mom really does to make a day go smoothly and to the sacrifices a father makes.
This year, I got to be a mom on mothers day. I got to spend the day loving on my sugar, we ate breakfast at my favorite place called Cafe Strudel (yummo), my sweet Mr. went above and beyond helping with the Sugar for the day, and getting me the most beautiful bracelet. It was truly special.
The day after I became a mommy to Sugar.
The person I REALLY want to talk about is my Mr. and his first Father's Day.
You know, I have always heard that a love for your husband grows when you have a baby. You see that man that you love so much holding a perfect miracle, that the two of you created with the love that you have for one another. I can now attest to the fact that, it is beautiful.
I did melt all over when I watched my Mr. hold Sugar for the first time. Watching him become a daddy instantly was aw inspiring.
On Fathers Day this year, I really reflected on what a wonderful daddy Mr. is to Sugar.
Let me tell you about this wonderful man.
When we found out we were pregnant, I know he was nervous. He was worried about how our lives would change, how we would afford a baby, how we would be responsible for a tiny little human being.
This was my 4th test. I was about 4 weeks pregnant at the time.
I took it first thing in the morning on the day Mr. had a big job interview so I had to keep it a secret until he got home
This is how I told him.
 I put a "honey bun" in the oven and told him I was cooking a surprise for him and to take a look in the oven.
This is a video of him opening the oven. He was a little in shock I think.
 "I don't even like honey buns" hahaha
Also, please forgive the awesome  filming. I was nervous.

He handled it with such grace and the first time we saw that little bean on the ultra sound and heard the little "swoosh, swoosh, swoosh" of his heart beat, I watched every apprehension he had melt away before my eyes. He was in love. He watched the screen with the biggest grin on his face. He was in aw.
This was at about 9 weeks along
This is at 18 weeks when we found out that our sugar was a boy

As our little gift grew, so did I. A LOT. I grew and grew and grew. A LOT. Did I mention I got REALLY big? Even though I looked like a large ocean dwelling mammal, Mr. told me I was beautiful every day. He would rub my belly and tell me thank you for being such a great Mama already. He would rub my feet and my back. He slept on a sliver of the bed that wasn't engulfed by the THOUSAND or so pillows that I moved into our bed. He would listen to me complain about my heart burn and my hips hurting. He went to rushes in the middle of the night to get me hot fudge Sundays and milkshakes. He never complained. He never made me feel dumb.

I was 37 weeks pregnant here.
When our little boy finally made his debut, he was hooked. I knew it. He said to me then that the whole time I was pregnant he knew there was a tiny little boy growing in there, but it still wasn't real. He felt the kicks and dealt with pregnant me, but it just wasn't real yet. When he held that squishy little lump of love. It got real.
This was the first time Mr. held our sugar. 
During my time in what I have deemed "the newborn fog" Mr. was AMAZING. He took care of our little darling's every need. He brought him to me only to eat and all the other times he would take him and hold, play, change, and clean him all by himself so I could sleep. He even woke up with me during late night feedings for a while so I wouldn't be lonely. When my fog got worse, he would wake up and feed our baby during the night with milk I had pumped, and let me sleep. He never complained. He held me when my hormones went nuts and I was crying for no reason and he encouraged me to get out of the house and have 'me time'. This man, was my true knight and shinning armor.

This was the last meal at the hospital before we left after our 3 day stay.

A father is someone who puts his families needs above his own. Its that simple. My Mr. gets father of the year in my opinion. 

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