Thursday, February 27, 2014


They say that a routine is essential for an infant. Establishing that routine has been a struggle for us but things are finally coming together.

 Now, I am a schedule kinda girl. I am a teacher after all and most of us are schedule freaks. I love a good list format schedule. I get even more excited when it is time specific. :)

There is one part of that day to day routine that we have set with Sugar that is so special to me.

At night, after playing with the Mr., after bath time, after Sugar is all dressed in his snuggly PJs and sleepsack, I sit in the glider with Sugar.I rock and feed him while reading him children's bible stories.

It may seem silly to read bible stories to a 2 month old (I'm not ready to admit he will be 3 months next week). However, I promised God that when he gave me a baby to love that I would raise him in his word and by his love. I am keeping that promise.

I want Sugar to know all about our Savior from the time he can talk.

I want him to grow up to be a man of God and I don't think you can start too early.

I love reading the stories to him and talking with him about God's glory, love, and grace.

Maybe the most magical part of this time is when I have finished our story for the night, I say bedtime prayers with Sugar.

We thank Jesus for another day with each other. We thank him for all of our blessings. We ask him to send his angels to watch over Sugar as he sleeps.  Finally, I thank God for sending Sugar to earth so that I could be a mommy.

I want him to never be able to remember a night when he didn't talk to his heavenly father. I want it to be a part of his routine forever.

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